Posted April 08, 2022

Digital experience management: How to enhance the customer experience

Learn how to meet customers' expectations for a superior digital experience across all channels with digital experience management.

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a monitor

To provide a better experience for your customers and build customer loyalty, you may want to consider using a digital experience management solution. It’s essential in today's digital-first ecosystem because it puts your customers first. 

Today's consumers expect a superior experience wherever and however they shop. They're used to personalized experiences from Amazon and other providers and demand similar omnichannel experiences from all merchants and websites. A generic, impersonal digital experience (DX) just doesn't cut it anymore.

According to Salesforce's State of the Connected Customer report, 66% of customers say they expect businesses to understand their needs and expectations. The same research notes that 80% of customers consider the experience they receive to be as important as the company's products and services.

The good news is that customers reward superior experiences. Research from PwC reveals that 86% of customers will pay more for a better customer experience. PwC also found that 32% of customers would walk away from a brand or company after they had just a single bad experience

Why improving the customer experience matters.

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Key takeaways

  • Today, customers demand a superior digital experience.

  • Digital experience management helps you deliver high-quality content across all channels.

  • With a digital experience management solution, you can create personalized experiences for all customers and retain them across their entire journey.

Digital experience determines customer satisfaction

Every interaction a customer has with your company, brand or products online is a digital experience–sometimes called a digital customer experience. Customers have digital experiences on all types of devices and all manner of channels, truly wherever you and your products and brands are found, including:

  • Your website

  • Affiliated websites

  • Email

  • Online advertising

  • Social media

  • Online reviews

  • In-store kiosks

Customers encounter digital experiences throughout their online journeys of discovery and purchase– and even beyond, in their interactions with customer support and the reviews they leave on websites and social media. Every touchpoint in their journey is part of the overall digital experience. 

DX across the customer journey.

How a customer views your company, brand or product depends on the quality of the digital experience. A superior DX results in higher customer satisfaction. A poor DX can end the customer journey at that point, often before a purchase is made. 

How digital experience management puts the customer first

Digital experience management, helps you create a more personalized, more consistent and more responsive DX for your customers. It enables you to manage the DX at all customer touchpoints across your company's departments, from marketing, sales and accounting to customer support. It ensures that customers see the best of you, your brand and your products no matter how or where they interact with you. 

Digital experience management works by collecting essential data you collect about your customers, including:

  • Devices used

  • Apps downloaded

  • Channels accessed

  • Web page visits

  • Online behavior

  • Products browsed

  • Products purchased

By analyzing this data, the system should provide actionable insights about what your customers want, need and do online. Armed with these insights, you can better meet your customers' expectations and deliver a superior and often personalized digital experience for each customer. 

Creates superior digital content

A digital experience management system simplifies the content management workflow.

By analyzing individual customer data, you can build content in advance or on the fly that answers customers' questions and provides them with essential information, all of which helps to retain customers longer on your site. 

Improves time to market

Track and analyze customer data in real-time. You don't have to wait weeks or months for traditional data reporting. Instead, fine-tune your marketing and get new content to market in near real time. 

Establishes an omnichannel presence

One of the key benefits is that it works across all channels in which you play. That lets you deliver a seamless and consistent message across all channels customers access. It's true omnichannel marketing. You control the digital experience no matter how customers interact with you. 

(The following Salesforce video explains more about omnichannel marketing.)



Presents a consistent and clear brand image and message

Digital experience management doesn't just enable omnichannel marketing, it ensures brand consistency across all channels and on all types of devices used by your customers. Your customers get the same brand experience and message no matter what channel they access. 

Creates a personalized user experience

Today's customers expect a personalized digital experience and digital experience management lets you provide it. The customer data collected and analyzed provide the insights you need to personalize all aspects of the digital experience, including:

  • Products presented

  • Message contents

  • Offers and deals

  • Pricing

Each customer gets the message and promotions that matter to them, not a generic message that may or may not resonate fully.

Keeps customers on your website

Customers will quickly abandon a website if it doesn't meet their expectations. By delivering a DX that meets or exceeds their expectations, digital experience management software helps retain online customers and further advance their journey towards purchasing. 

Tracks performance across all digital channels

A digital experience management system not only feeds content across all digital channels, it also tracks performance across those channels. You'll know in real time which channels perform best and which need more attention to perform better.

Provides more and better customer insights

Perhaps the most important benefit is that it provides functionality to help you get to know your customers better. By tracking their behavior across multiple digital channels, you discover:

  • Who your customers are (demographics)

  • Where your customers live

  • Where your customers shop and get information

  • How your customers shop

  • What your customers need and expect

These insights and metrics help you better serve your customers' needs and make better and more informed decisions about your products and operations. In short, digital experience management helps you put your customers first, which increases your sales and profits.

Turn to Optimizely for better digital experience management

Ready for complete and total digital transformation? Turn to the experts at Optimizely. 

Our Digital Experience Platform (DXP) can help you put the customer first and develop a superior digital experience for your customers across every touchpoint. Our team will help you connect to your customers while providing a responsive and personalized user experience. 

Contact Optimizely today to learn more about digital experience management.