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Content management 101

What is content lifecycle management?

Content lifecycle management is the practice of managing content from it's planning, authoring, promotion, assessing and maintaining. Everything has a lifecycle: plants, animals, computers, and, yes, people. With 70% of businesses leveraging content marketing, understanding the lifecycle of your content is crucial to your company’s workflow and success.

What is a content marketing platform?

Marketers use a content marketing platform (CMP) to centralize content planning, creation, optimization and delivery workflows. A CMP gives organizations the ability to collaborate around types of content, distribute digital assets to customers and streamline the entire content creation and delivery lifecycle for improved engagement. 

What is a content hub?

A content hub is a curated collection of branded content on a specific topic or subject. It houses articles, videos, infographics, and other forms of content that let users take a deep dive into a specific area in which the brand is an authority or expert. When done correctly, they're a powerful way to establish your brand's authority, grow its presence, and increase your overall sales or conversion rate.

Hvordan få kontroll på innhold

Ditt CMS skal hjelpe deg med å kommunisere, promotere ditt budskap, drive engasjement og skape verdi. Prosessen fra en ide oppstår, til innholdet planlegges og samarbeides om, publiseres, tilpasses og optimaliseres er kompleks. Mye av dette kan du gjøre gjennom Content Cloud og med vårt nyeste tilskudd, Optimizely Content Marketing, blir dette enda mer strømlinjeformet. Gjennom å koble CMS og marketing resource management (MRM), digital asset management (DAM) og content marketing platform (CMP) – alt i en og samme løsning får markedsførere en hub for all digital kommunikasjon. Våre ambisjoner fremover er å kombinere to ledende plattformer for ett enkelt oppdrag: gjøre det mulig for markedsførere å ha kontroll på alt innhold for å skape enestående og verdifulle digitale opplevelser uten grenser.

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