juni 11 | 7 mins.
9 tegn på at du bør tenke annerledes rundt digital markedsføring
For å drive verdifull markedsføring må alle team være samkjørte, og for å være samkjørte må alle vite hva de andre gjør. Få 9 tips til hva som kan forbedres.
Leah is the Content Marketing Manager for Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) solution. A keeno for writing since well… forever, she’s kept a strong focus in content throughout her marketing career. This has seen her work at a national wedding magazine, digital agencies, quirky start-ups, before landing in tech - and never looking back, of course. With her passion for turning complex (and let’s be real, sometimes a bit boring) topics into educational, engaging and entertaining content, Leah can be found tap-tapping away on her keyboard, digging into data, and ramping up the research.