Posted juli 08, 2023

When collaboration becomes overkill: How to strike the right balance in Content Marketing

Excessive collaboration can be a hindrance. The list of impostors includes approval disguised as feedback, opinions without research, and mere conversations. Here's how you can strike the right balance to unleash the true potential of collaboration in content marketing, leading to better digital outcomes.

a group of people sitting and standing

Like everyone, I love collaboration. I'm all about working together and creating awesome stuff. When I team up with others, it's like magic happens! Ideas flow, creativity soars, and we come up with the coolest ideas, campaigns, and marketing strategies.  

But here's the thing, folks: sometimes, we collaborate a little too much. I mean, seriously, it's like collaboration is the default mode for everything nowadays. We're so used to it that we bring in the whole gang for every little aspect of a project, and it's driving us crazy!    

Think about it. We're drowning in meetings, Slack messages, tasks, social media, influencer talk, and emails involving people who don't really need to be there. It's adding unnecessary layers of complexity and confusion to our projects. And let's not forget the decision-making nightmare. With so many people involved, who the heck has the final say? It's like a never-ending game of "Who's the Boss?"    

All this excessive collaboration is taking a toll on us, my friends. Our calendars are a mess, our minds are cluttered, and our work suffers. We need to find the right balance because, let's face it, too much collaboration can kill our focus and productivity.  

Despite all this collaboration madness, there are times when we're not collaborating enough. I know, crazy, right? How can we need more collaboration and less collaboration at the same time? Well, it's because most of what we call "collaboration" isn't real collaboration at all. It's just a fancy term for organizational dysfunction and inefficiency.     

Let me break it down for you. We've all heard those fancy statements like, "Our CEO collaborates with the marketing team," which sounds awesome. But in reality, it often means our CEO spends hours micromanaging and nitpicking everyone's work. It's not collaboration; it is control disguised as collaboration. Talk about a buzzkill!  

What isn’t collaboration?   

Not everything that goes around in the name of content collaboration is the real deal. It's time to expose the fake collaboration parade and reclaim the true essence of teamwork.  

Approval lurking in the shadows  

It is not collaborative work if instead of feedback, the hidden agenda is to simply obtain a rubber-stamp approval for a piece of content.  

Opinions on the loose  

Ah, the meetings where everyone drops unfounded opinions and marketing tips without glancing at the research. We've all encountered them. And let's not forget the "Can we do this with fewer clicks?" interrogation that gives designers nightmares. 


Sometimes, we're just messengers, delivering information without giving others the chance to change it. And that's okay, folks. It's not collaboration, but it has its place. 

Buy-in versus reactive magic  

Seeking buy-in or alignment is important, but it's not the same as shaking things up with reactive collaboration. Presenting a plan and saying, "Any issues?" is one thing, but shouting, "Let's hear your wild ideas, folks!" is where the magic happens. Let's unleash that energy.  

Only conversations  

Our teams thrive on relationships. Whether it's team lunches, social hours, or those delightful ad-hoc check-ins, they're more than just chit-chat. They lay the foundation for collaboration greatness. But let's not confuse pure conversations with collaboration itself, even though they're the secret sauce that makes collaboration easier.  

Collaborative content marketing   

In content creation, collaboration happens before or after the creation step.     

For example, writing new content for a guest post, recording a podcast, sharing marketing campaign templates on a whiteboard, or even building a killer schedule for an offsite in real-time. It's all about equal footing, where every perspective and idea matters (or at least it should, in theory). This type of team collaboration sparks innovation and sets the stage for measurable results.  

Now, let's talk about the next level of collaboration, which happens after the creation phase, where the creator seeks feedback to improve or validate their work. While there may still be room for new ideas, think of it as a refining process that adds polish and brilliance to what's already been created.    

Here's what more you can do to make collaboration easier:  

  1. If you're a manager, take the initiatives to empower your team members to move swiftly without seeking approval for every little detail. Encourage them to take the leap and ask for forgiveness if needed. Remember, autonomy breeds innovation!
  2. If you're an individual contributor, think twice before bombarding everyone with multiple rounds of feedback requests. Embrace the power of speed and efficiency. Reduce collaboration cycles, trust your instincts, and move with purpose and confidence. 
  3. Let's take a moment to rethink our meeting culture. For every gathering on our jam-packed calendars, why not request pre-reading materials? And let's challenge ourselves to see if we can answer questions asynchronously, saving precious time by canceling unnecessary meetings. 

How fast can your ideas go?  

While collaboration for any type of content can spark creativity and propel us toward success, excessive and high-maintenance collaboration has its drawbacks.      

We must find the delicate balance that allows collaboration to thrive without impeding productivity. It starts with establishing clear communication channels and protocols. By defining how and when collaboration should occur in your content marketing strategy, you can streamline interactions and avoid unnecessary back-and-forths.    

So, focus on building a collaborative process based on trust and open dialogue. Collaboration becomes effective when your team feels comfortable sharing high-quality content ideas and voicing concerns.    

Lastly, with the right content marketing platform at your disposal, you can eliminate unnecessary complexities and ensure everyone is on the same page.     

Now imagine a place where you spend less time on status updates — with visibility on a content calendar and turnaround times that work. And when required, you can find all your files and great content, every single time. No more unnecessary meetings, and questions around "Where is the content?" or "When will the campaign launch?      

A collaboration tool where saved workflows help you go from messy content ideas to published pieces right away by including the right stakeholders. It is where brands like Shell, JW Player, Sodexo, and more have been achieving successful results. See the case studies to see how they’re connecting their marketing campaign delivery to real results.